Instructional Implementation: 4th Grade Reading 1st 6 Weeks Design

margie mae

Instructional Implementation: 4th Grade Reading 1st 6 Weeks Design

I am creating a blended learning reading program that will be presented in Google Classroom. I have created the course schedule and lesson plans using google sheets and my goals from Finks 3 column table.  My UbD has been the most helpful in the planning stages.  My introduction video and course overview are under the “Start Here” tab.  My course goal is for students to take ownership of their reading through engaging activities that allow for more choice and voice. I will be utilizing Newsela as well as Flipgrid I will share the main course goal (Increasing reading comprehension of complex texts by owning your learning) in the student outline. Students in my course will be doing a lot of self-assessment, self-reflection, peer-to-peer feedforward, and checking in with me during station rotations. This course is student-centered and designed for the first six weeks of the school year when we are creating routines and teachers are getting to know their students as learners. I am implementing Blended Learning with station rotations in reading and this course will serve as the online platform station and therefore could be used as an online course. Students will learn to track their reading and set appropriate reading goals and self-select reading material that will challenge them. They will follow rubrics when giving responses to their reading comprehension and will complete reading projects of their choice for the end-of-course assessment. My role is more of a guide on the side that will hold them accountable during the first 6 weeks in order to establish strong routines by checking in with everyone during station rotations each day in reading. Because I will be using this in my classroom, I will be able to support students with any issues they might face using google classroom.

Weekly Reading and Response is where students will track what they read and use it for weekly reflection and the next week’s reading choices and goal setting/adjusting. The reading response choice board is linked on this page as well. The objectives will change, along with the response choices on the board.  

Resources and materials are listed in my course outline

Student Friendly Outline With Goals and Outcome