Contributions to My Learning and My Learning Community

margie mae

Contributions to My Learning and My Learning Community

Concepts of Educational Technology 5302 By Margie Mae

Collaboration Groups….

I would have drowned without my collaboration groups.  I feel like we became a lot closer this semester.  We encouraged each other and supported each other more.  I was completely comfortable with asking questions and never felt like I was asking a dumb question.  I worked with Ashley Brandes a lot again for this class.  We both decided to just take 1 class instead of 2 because we are elementary school teachers.  We didn’t know what to expect this year.  We are both glad we just took 5302. I am a part of a large facebook group and smaller GroupMe.  I collaborated with Nicole Bright, Desire Masters, Sabine Mixon and Amy Walsh.  I’m so impressed with everyone in my group that completed 2 classes Fall 1.  My collaboration groups were relied upon heavily for the Learning Manifestoproject.  But I was overwhelmed with reading others’ learning manifestos and felt my thoughts getting out of control.  I organized my thoughts as best as I could.  Tried to come up with a meaningful question and made a video.  In the end I felt fired up about inefficiency the most.  Mainly because of things going on at my school.  This was probably the only assignment I felt the least proud of and was just glad it was done.  I even told my group to remember that done is better than perfect at one point.  I am in the process of fixing it up and hope to have the edits done by midnight of 15th.  

My Plan for Getting the Work Done….

I was not that great with my plan because I am such a fly by the seat of my pants person.  What I did do that helped was put due dates in my school planner and decided what weekends I was committing to assignments.  I read during the week and completed modules during my planning time on Monday and Tuesday.  I bought the audible version along with the hard copy of Growth Mindset to help me stay focused.  Next class I want to blog about my reading so I can reference it for the assignments.  I would also like to come up with a schedule to collaborate with Ashley and the others on GroupMe.  I feel like I get so busy with teaching and taking care of my classroom that I put things off.  I think having a couple hours a night once a week to get on a zoom with a group would be helpful and hold me accountable.  

Learning Communities & Networking….

MyLearning Communities are what got me into wanting to go to grad school and when I stumbled upon the ADL program I felt like God was speaking to me. “This is what you need to do Margie!”  I have followed people for years and loved checking blogs everyday for new ideas.  15 years ago Pinterest got me hooked, but then I found blogs, Instagram and Twitter.  Twitter has to be by far my favorite way to find new ideas and watch live videos.  


I am going to be more organized moving forward and follow Nicole Brights plan to complete module work and discussion posts on Mondays.  That way it will allow others to comment on my stuff and for me to comment on theirs.  It will be easy to read others during breaks at school and comment throughout the week.  Think I will incorporate my feedback time during class also once a week to model for my students.  4th graders are just starting to get the hang of sharing ideas and commenting on work.  I love the feedback from Dr. Sue on my Learning Manifesto and I am in the process of fixing it.  

The score I gave myself is valid and well earned.  I look forward to failing forward and growing as in the rest of my ADL classes.  


Dweck, C., (2017) Mindset. Robinson.